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Microblading Trainning

Microblading Trainning

£1,400.00 Regular Price
£1,260.00Sale Price

This accredited Microblading Diploma is ideal for both newly qualified and experienced beauty therapists looking to develop their skills further and expand their services.




This accredited Microblading Diploma is ideal for beauty therapists who are either new to the industry or already established. So, if you’re looking to expand your repertoire and offer microblading treatments that your clients will love, this is the course for you!  

During this course, you’ll learn the techniques that will allow you to provide microblading treatments that will create the defined, natural-looking brows your clients dream of.  

You’ll learn the fundamentals of running a beauty business, along with how to work with your clients to deliver the results they are looking for.  



    • Course Information

      Fully accredited , Within the 3 days course you have practical and theory day. After the 3 day’s course we will continue to monitor your progress and give you support for 6 months.

      Microblading is a man­ual, semi-per­ma­nent tech­nique of hy­per-re­al­is­tic eye­brow draw­ing in which eye­brow shape . It is man­ual process of in­sert­ing pig­ment be­low epi­der­mis and the up­per part of the retic­u­lar der­mis of the skin. This pro­ce­dure is per­formed man­u­ally us­ing ster­ile dis­pos­able tools and us­ing pig­ment that matches the nat­ural color of the clien­t's eye­brows. The re­sult is very re­al­is­tic be­cause we fol­low only nat­ural hair growth of eye­brows dur­ing the work, we cre­ate the de­sired full­ness and shape of the eye­brows.

      Three day ed­u­ca­tion is di­vided into the­o­ret­i­cal and prac­ti­cal part. As it is im­por­tant to know how to draw eye­brows prop­erly, it is even more im­por­tant to know when the pro­ce­dure must not be done.
      The the­o­ret­i­cal part of the course, which is pre­sented dur­ing the first day, fo­cuses on skin prob­lems, post treat­ment care, colour, fa­mil­iar­iza­tion with hy­giene stan­dards.

      The prac­ti­cal part,rep­re­sents work­ing on fake skin and a live model. Prac­tic­ing on live mod­els in­cludes fill­ing the strokes pre­vi­ously drawn by su­per­vis­ing Mas­ter with pig­ment so there is no pos­si­bil­ity to make a mis­take be­cause each stu­dent works over al­ready ex­ist­ing strokes.

      Dur­ing this train­ing you will learn how to ad­just depth and pre­ci­sion for pig­ment ap­pli­ca­tion while mi­crob­lad­ing, how to han­dle with all mi­crob­lad­ing tools, fac­tors which af­fect colour last­ing, den­sity and con­nec­tion of the strokes, form and po­si­tion of the strokes in or­der to cre­ate beau­ti­ful and long last­ing eye­brows. The pri­mary aim of this ex­er­cise is to teach you how to work on real skin and eval­u­ate the pres­sure ap­plied on the skin that will help you to over­come your fears. An­other goal of this ex­er­cise is to get a sense of pres­sure that you need to ap­ply on the skin while draw­ing.

      Training programme:

      At the course would have the ability to learn the following;

      theoretical part that comprises the learning about

      1)conditions of the work, the way in which we protect ourselves and clients together with our material
      2)the manner of determination the skin incision depth as well as the pigment application
      5)different post-⁠treatment actions according to the various types of skin
      6)colour durability and maintenance
      7)introducing with the colours  as well as their reflexion through the skin
      8)practical exercises of drawing the shape on the paper
      9)practical exercises of drawing hairs on the latex
      10)different hair stroke flow techniques

      demonstration of the technique with live models
      1)practice of the preparation of shapes and symmetry on live models
      2)practice of different configuration of the hairs. Design of the shape of eyebrows together with a master, and under supervision of the master will fill in hair strokes.

      IMPORTANT! Students are strongly advised to bring their own model for Day 3 as it will allow performing further touch up procedures for better learning curve.


      The availability is limited. A non refundable booking fee of £300 is required at the time of booking. The balance is to be paid two weeks before training begins. Contact us for prices and dates.

      Training venue

      Studiobrows Beauty & Academy (87 commercial road Sn1 5PD)
       If you have any other questions or want to register your place on course, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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    StudioBrows Beauty & Academy: Swindon most  advanced beauty services and training, focused on precision in eyebrow design and professional certification.


    Tel/Whatssap: +44 07561298693

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